A platform aimed at assisting entheogen-based religious practitioners in enshrining their entheogen-based free exercise rights under state and federal laws.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this platform is not and should not be construed as legal advice, as the entheo.law platform is intended to be for educational and informative purposes only. Nothing listed, posted, or discussed on this platform and/or consultations between the attorney contributors and members shall create an attorney-client relationship.

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Welcome to Entheo Law

Are you an experienced and passionate entheogen-based spiritual/religious practitioner looking to better understand how to navigate the legal complexities of establishing your entheogen-based religious organization? We have just the right information and tools you will need to be successful!

Building Strong Foundations for Entheogenic Practice, Navigating Legal Pathways to Spiritual Freedom.

Greg Lake, Esq.

Co-Founder / Trial and Appellate Attorney

"My personal and professional journey led me to the creation of this platform, fueled by a desire to clarify the often murky legal landscape that surrounds these practices"

Greg Lake

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Empowering Your Journey with Expert Guidance and Insights

Entheo.law was created to support sincere entheogen-based religious practioners in navigating the legal complexities involved with such practices. Currently, the number of entheogen-based religious practitioners in the U.S. is growing exponentially.  However, there are very few if any other attorneys in the U.S. with the requisite knowledge and experience to help these practitioners enshrine their rights under the free exercise laws. While over the last three years I have personally worked with every client throughout their entire church project, the number of those seeking my services has grown beyond my ability to work with everyone on an individual basis from start to finish. However, as an entheogen-based religious practitioner myself, I consider it my divine duty to ensure that every sincere and qualified entheogen-based practitioner(s) have the information and forms necessary for them to more formalize and enshrine their free exercise rights.  Therefore, my main motivation in creating the entheo.law platform is to provide affordable and constant access to the information and materials entheogen-based religious practitioners will need. The information and educational materials provided to our members contain a wealth of valuable knowledge, insights, and advice which should allow most, if not all members, to create their own religious non-profit entities with little or no guidance from me personally. However, for those who are unable to complete the entire process on their own, or need some additional support through the process, we do offer one-on-one consultations to our members who have questions and/or need document review. As a member of the entheo.law platform, you will have access to all the resources needed to enshrine your free exercise rights.

George "Greg" Lake, Esq., attorney and co-founder of Entheo.law, is also the author of "The Law of Entheogenic Churches in the United States" and "The Law of Entheogenic Churches (Vol. II): The Definition of Religion under the First Amendment". Additionally, Greg and Ian have helped establish over sixty entheogen-based religious organizations across the country. Additionally, Greg is currently providing his legal services and expertise, pro bono, for several indigent entheogen-based religious practitioners across the country. As a trial and appellate attorney, Greg feels most at home litigating these issues in any courtroom across the country. All of the founders' experience is a testament to their deep understanding of all the material issues affecting the free exercise rights of entheogen-based religious practitioners in the United States.

Whats Included in the Program

Form Documents

Whether you're filing a non-profit religious entity with a state, drafting your organization's internal documents such as Statements of Beliefs, bylaws, or establishing proper safety and diversion protocols, our repository of form documents helps to streamline the Church-creation process and ensures that all relevant materials are covered in each form document. The forms offered by entheo.law are the work product of the Founders, who have edited and improved them over the 60 plus entheogen-based church projects they have completed over the last three years. All of the forms available on this platform represent the culmination of thousands of hours of research, study, and practice. Finally, all of the materials contained in the forms are the intellectual property of the Founders, and members of the platform are authorized to copy, but not distribute, and use as much of the existing materials as they wish. In any event, Greg Lake will be available for paid consultations to review and revise any of the form documents, as needed. Members of the platform get priority scheduling status on Greg's calendar, as well as discount hourly consult rates, as we want to make sure that your project runs smoothly and gets completed in a timely manner. 

Educational Videos

Our platform includes over twenty hours of informational and instructional videos created by Greg Lake. These videos cover a vast array of topics and issues which are fundamental and necessary to understanding the complexities of forming an entheogen-based religious organization. In addition to discussing all the material issues, the platform's videos also provide essential education on how to properly form an entheogen-based religious organization from the ground up; starting from the initial state non-profit filing all the way through the first official board meeting and beyond. These videos focus on answering, in depth, the most common questions we have received over the years as it relates to each topic covered. Moreover, we invite our members to submit any questions they may have, not covered in the video, so those responses can also be added to the platform's videos and masterclass.

Quarterly Masterclasses

Learn about the law of entheogenic churches directly from our Founders through our masterclasses, which be held live and online for 3-4 days per quarter. All members who pay the set fee will have lifetime access to all the back-end materials and quarterly masterclasses. All masterclasses will include all relevant legal updates as well as lengthy question-and-answer sessions relating to each topic. 

One-on-One Consultations

Benefit from personalized advice through direct consultations with Greg Lake and other experienced attorneys working under his guidance and direction. We have found that those who come to consultation meetings prepared, usually get all their questions answered, plus more. Every entheogenic church project presents its own unique set of issues and challenges. As such, discussing these issues with Greg Lake will help members make the best and most informed decision possible.  

Our Mission

At Entheo.law, we are on a mission to support competent and sincere entheogen-based religious practitioners in formalizing their existing entheogen-based spiritual/religious practices and also assist in the building of  communities of aligned members/practitioners. Our platform, founded by the renowned psychedelic attorneys Greg Lake and Ian Benouis, provides both essential and comprehensive resources, as well as ongoing guidance for entheogen-based religious organizations. Together, Ian and Greg have a decade's worth of experience in consulting entheogen-bases spiritual/religious practitioners across the country-in evidencing and enshrining their rights under state and federal free exercise laws.

By becoming a member of our thriving community, you will gain exclusive access to a wealth of invaluable knowledge, guidance, and resources you will not find anywhere else:

Now Accepting Applications

If you're interested in becoming a member of Entheo.law, we invite you to apply by scheduling an appointment to meet with co-founder George "Greg" Lake, Esq. To schedule an initial interview, please email Greg at george.lake@entheoconnect.com.  Please note, membership is not automatic upon application - each candidate must be accepted into the program after an extensive interview with Greg. As previously mentioned, this process includes a thorough and detailed interview with our co-founder, Greg Lake, who has assisted in forming over 65 entheogen-based religious organizations in the last three years. Greg is passionate about ensuring our community is composed of safety-oriented and sincere entheogen-based religious practitioners. The entheo.law platform will only be accepting members who are dedicated to their entheogen-based religious practice and are prepared to do their part in ensuring their entheogen-based religious organization is successful in helping their members and ceremonial participants make positive and pro-social changes in their lives, and building a beautiful and supportive community.  During the membership interview, he will explore your spiritual journey and objectives to ascertain if our program is the right fit for you. If you share our mission and values and are prepared to navigate the legalities of entheogenic practices, we welcome you to apply for membership so we may explore the potential for a rewarding partnership together.

At this time, the legal contours related to the sacramental consumption of entheogens have not yet been clearly defined by the courts. As such, no attorney or person can ever guaranty that any particular entheogen-based religious practitioner is operating in a manner worthy of protection under state and/or free exercise laws. All free exercise cases are decided on a case-by-case basis, according to the facts of each case. Due to a lack of directly applicable case law, the law of entheogen-based free exercise claims/defenses are considered a "grey," and as such, those who decide to form and administer entheogen-based religious organizations need to have engaged in a considerable amount of soul searching and cost/benefit analyses before commencing on such an endeavor. Many entheogen-based religious practitioners, understandably, remain very fearful of government/law enforcement intervention, such as being arrested and charged for engaging in their religious practice. While practically speaking such instances are extremely rare, one must always consider the possible legal ramifications when formalizing an entheogen-based religious organization.

While passing no judgment and respecting where everyone stands regarding their own personal risk assessment, the attorneys at entheo.law generally do not accept members who harbor considerable fears and reservations about the potential criminal and civil consequences which, though very rare, may result from engaging in entheogen-based religious practices in the United States. Therefore, only those who are sincere entheogen-based religious practitioners that have done the requisite amount of soul searching, are feeling called to service by Spirit, and are ready to set aside their self-interest(s) in service to the collective need apply. However, please note that the attorneys at entheo.law offer paid consultation sessions for those who have preliminary questions to be answered before deciding to become a member of the platform.

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"Entheo.law - Empowering You to Recognize and Enshrine Your Free Exercise Rights"

Becoming a member of the platform

Should you feel called and in alignment with our platform, we invite you to submit a request for a membership interview.  As an active member of our platform and our community, you are not only helping to solidify religious freedoms for current entheogen-based religious practitioners, but also empowering other similarly situated individuals to do the same. By exercising our rights together, in tandem, we are ensuring that our progeny will never have to second guess themselves when it comes to sacramentally consuming entheogens. 

Become a member today and join the thousands of other Americans who are openly engaging in entheogen-based religious practices. The more we safely, privately, and openly practice our entheogen-based religions, the clearer and more well-defined the free exercise laws ultimately become. Our goal here at entheo.law is that one day attorneys like us will not be required to form a legitimate entheogen-based religious organization. However, until that day, we at entheo.law are dedicated to assisting practitioners in any way possible through our platform and masterclass offerings.

As one of the very few attorneys competent to help establish entheogen-based religious organizations, Greg Lake has had a front row seat in watching the evolution of modern entheogen-based religious groups and practices. Every single day, Greg receives more and more inquiries asking for his assistance; which has prompted the creation of the entheo.law platform. Our goal is to serve as many qualified and aligned practitioners as possible through the platform. Should you find yourself needing advice and/or guidance establishing your entheogen-based religious organization, please do not hesitate to schedule a membership interview with Greg Lake. 

Welcome to the platform designed to clarify and strengthen the rights of entheogen-based religious practitioners in the United States!!! We are very pleased to have you and please leave us your email so you can receive our monthly newsletter.

Much Love!!!!

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and Interview Request

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The content on this website is for informational and educational purposes only and does not create an attorney-client relationship between the attorney contributor(s) and the audience. No content and/or statements made on this website is not, and should not be construed as legal advice. Because state law vary, entheo.law suggests that everyone seek local counsel wherever they may practice their religion.

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